Every Town
...in this moment–in their essence, they are stunningly beautiful.
"You know sometimes, this game…it’s like it is so easy. Like I am being setup to win.”
"...it sounds corny, but it's true: 'Gratitude's the Attitude.' "
I stand waist-deep and look out along the horizon and the compelling, silvery top of this lake that I adore, trying to anchor the experience into my cells.
"–a world in turmoil right now, and we need to do something about it."
"...if you go positive and say, 'I can do something about it,' it'll be okay."
"Very worried for my kids. Very worried about the future of the world when the majority of people, at least in my country, have elected certain people into offices..."
"My grandpa, because he loved me unconditionally."
I think the future is what you make of it...